

  • Architecture – National University of Municipal Economy
  • Painting – Royal academy of fine arts in Kortijk Belgium

The artist

Galyna Svidzynska had her first stints at painting while she studied architecture. After working many years as a designer, architect and journalist she decided that it was the world of art that best matched her calling and offered the largest possibilities for her to express her sensitivity.

Galyna Svidzynska's paintings are full of life and radiate a huge energy. All her paintings are full of expression, emotion and movement as well as feelings and spontaneity.

The themes of her paintings are varied. Figurative and animals, landscapes and abstract, everything can be found in her works.

I try to capture the spontaneity of movement in a flowing and schematic style. The appearance of movement, emotions and feelings in the figures of human or animal. Sometimes it is a rider on a horse, sometimes it is dancers but it always is the capture of a moment.

It is not about a photographic reproduction, but the impression of powerful moves, of life and of spontaneity.

"I want to catch the fleeting in a timeless moment"
